
  • For The Tough Days

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    self care isn t selfish signage
    Photo by Madison Inouye on

    I’ve created a list of things that I swear by on the tough days that I have to let endometriosis win.

    • The first item is of course Advil for inflammation. I keep it beside my bed at all times, in my tote bag, and in my car!
    • For the days when I want to create an illusion that I am well rested (if you know you know). I will use the Grace & Stella eye masks. These work wonders! I pop them on as I get ready for work.
    • Speaking of being well rested… one of the side effects of Endometriosis medications can be hot flashes. I was waking up multiple times a night soaked in sweat. I purchased a cooling blanket, and talk about a game changer!
    • Now, throughout the day, I get super achy and experience pain despite having taken Advil or other anti-inflammatories. Biofreeze helps me so much when I’m going through my day, I just roll it on wherever I’m experiencing the pain and it provides a cooling sensation.
    • Let’s be realistic though, there are the tough days that I literally cannot get out of bed. Endometriosis and other chronic pain conditions unfortunately win sometimes. Check out my 5 Amazon must-haves here!
    • On those days I don’t get out of bed, I feel as though I need to escape from my life for a bit. I enjoy reading on my Kindle. This is the one that I have, and it in phenomenal!
      If you’re wanting something a wit a bit of a better battery life and has different lighting, then the Kindle Paperwhite may be a better fit for you I personally have no complaints about my Kindle and it’s a cheaper option.
      It also comes with an option for Kindle Unlimited which gives you access to over 15 Million books for a low monthly fee. When you use the links from me, you get 3 months of Kindle Unlimited for FREE!

    Thank you so much for reading and supporting! Love you all so much!


    Pain may be chronic but my love for you all is iconic

  • We can’t compare ourselves to others

    What were your parents doing at your age?

    This question to me is one I frequently find myself thinking about. See, yesterday I turned 25. When my parents were 25 they were married, living in their forever home and had 1 child and their second was on the way.

    Heck, even my sister was married at 25. And I am living in my childhood bedroom again.

    Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.

    Albert Einstein

    What I’m trying to say here is that we have to give ourselves a little bit of grace. We don’t all have the same opportunities as others do. Sometimes we have roadblocks instead of speed bumps.

    Lots of love,

    Chronically Kourt

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to Chronically Kourt. My name is Kourt and I live with chronic pain. I suffer from Endometriosis.
    Endometriosis is a condition that affects approximately 1 in 10 women, the average time it takes to be diagnosed is 8 years. Endometriosis causes inflammation, pain and sometimes infertility.

    I started this blog as a way to find others who live with chronic pain and help them along their journey. I’ve found some helpful things along my way and I can’t wait to share them with you!